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‘Where Is Wendy Williams?’: 5 Takeaways From the Documentary

By Shivani Gonzalez from NYT Arts

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Darwin – Automate Your GitHub Project with AI

Show HN: Darwin – Automate Your GitHub Project with AI 15 by mlamina | 2 comments on Hacker News. Hey HN! I've been working on a project called Darwin that I'm thrilled to share with you. Darwin is essentially your GitHub agent powered by large language models (LLMs). It checks out your projects, understands them through natural language prompts, and automates tasks such as fixing issues, documenting code, reviewing pull requests, and more. What drove me to create Darwin was a desire to harness the power of LLMs in a way that's seamlessly integrated with the tools I use daily. The motivation came from my curiosity about what could be possible when writing code that understands code. Darwin stands out because it's designed for developers who want to leverage AI without needing deep expertise in LLMs or prompt engineering. It offers: - hands-off approach to automate routine development tasks. - Novel and creative ways of making LLMs work for you - A unique API for each