Show HN: Add live runnable code to your dev docs 37 by mlejva | 12 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN community, I'm Vasek, co-founder, and CEO of Devbook [0]. Devbook is an SDK that you add to your docs website and then every time a user visits your dev docs, we spin up a VM just for that user. The VM is ready in about 18-20 seconds. We haven't had enough time to work on optimization but from our early tests, we are fairly confident we can get this to about 1-2 seconds. In the VM you can run almost anything. Install packages, edit & save files, run binaries, services, etc. You as a documentation owner have full control over the VM. We give you full access to filesystem, shell, stdout, and stderr. You don't have to worry about any infrastructure management. It's just one line of code on your frontend. On the backend, the VM is a Firecracker microVM [1] with our custom simple orchestrator/scheduler built on top that just gets the job done. We chose Firecracker for 4 r...