Show HN: ScratchDB – Open-Source Snowflake on ClickHouse 36 by memset | 5 comments on Hacker News. Hello! For the past year I’ve been working on a fully-managed data warehouse built on Clickhouse. I built this because I was frustrated with how much work was required to run an OLAP database in prod: re-writing my app to do batch inserts, managing clusters and needing to look up special CREATE TABLE syntax every time I made a change. I found pricing for other warehouses confusing (what is a “credit” exactly?) and worried about getting capacity-planning wrong. I was previously building accounting software for firms with millions of transactions. I desperately needed to move from Postgres to an OLAP database but didn’t know where to start. I eventually built abstractions around Clickhouse: My application code called an insert() function but in the background I had to stand up Kafka for streaming, bulk loading, DB drivers, Clickhouse configs, and manage schema changes. This was all a big...